Sunday, November 12, 2006

We congratulate the Democratic National Committee, DNC, for resounding victories across the board in the US mid-term elections 2006. Now that America has spoken, the time to govern is here. No acrimonies, please. There is so much to do, so much to repair - at home and abroad. All hands must be on deck, period.

Happily, and sensibly too, President Bush has taken the lesson to heart (we hope!) in his actions and statements so far. Equally sensibly, the Democrats have committed to bipartisan approach in moving forward. Good talks about talks are proceeding apace. Bravo.

Neither side should take hostages. None can afford to fail. And, hey, the world still needs the US as a strong and fair leader of the free world. So, get cracking, folks, time is short!

Let democracy and the rule of law work. Let accountability and responsibility endure. Let the US lead by example not pretext. Let multilateralism be the driving force of the new America.

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