Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Iraq rankles. We must hope that the furious diplomatic efforts this week will yield the salutary and necessary positive results, and result in early security gains ...ON THE GROUND!

Whether we agree with George Bush and Tony Blair on the wrong invasion of Iraq, without a UN resolution, under false pretences, and in arrogant defiance of a resounding world opinion to the contrary, is now and should be an old issue. Both leaders have been quite rightly castigated abroad, and thoroughly punished by their electorates at home. Enough.

The current Iran-Iraq-Syria rapproachment is most welcome, much encouraged. May it lead to fruitful outcomes...SOON. The United Nations must key in immediately. Take no chances.

A princely advice to the hawks and hardliners in Washington and London: You've lost, back down...back off! A hard try, no doubt, but let the moderates now take charge...take over. The carnage and bloodshed are unacceptable, untenable. Not a day longer. So long, folks! Bye for aye.

And to the leaders: Not many people get a second chance to redress a mess this messy. You got it, guys, use it! Use it real smart, real wise.

Goodluck to ALL.

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