Never before have I felt this upbeat about this land. Okay, I was "too small" in 1960 to really feel anything at Independence. Then I was upbeat anytime there was some transition to another administration or government. Well, we've been up and down. The story is well-known.
This feeling is different. It is coming in the wake of many realities about our incongruity and the untenable incongruities of our current reality. Put differently, things have changed! Those who do not see it will not have long to wait. Stay tuned.
Nigeria, this Jubilee, has berthed rough and roughened, tough and toughened, wise and wizened on its predetermined shores. We have borne what needs to be borne, we will pay what must be paid. We are a proud and pantheon-people. We are through our wilderness.
What we do and how we go be the bounden duty of all, for the God-given beauty for all. This is not a mere wish but an emerging reality. I see it, I sense it, I feel it. It is here!
My congratulations - hearty and heavy - to all Nigerians and Friends of Nigeria on this Golden Jubilee of our Sovereign Motherland.
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