Sunday, October 14, 2007

Nobel Peace Prize: So Fair for...Al Gore/IPCC!

We must ask a few questions, post a few posers:

Why do we take out insurance? Is it to die, crash da car, lose the house...or just in case we do??

We eat not just to stop hunger (which we must) but to live well, and longer!

We are so good at being wary and dubious about so many things, including investments, living and faith....that we hedge against them. Rightly.

Why do we have vaccines? To hopefully avoid plagues and debilitating health crises. Sensibly.

Why do people of faith pray? To be worthy of the now, and ...the hereafter! Who knows??

As for the environment, especially the huge debacle of GLOBAL WARMING, the Nobel Peace Prize has rightly gone the right way in 2007....

To Al Gore and the UN Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).


For 2008, I suspect, even predict, that Bill Clinton, Bill Gates/Gates Foundation, Bono and Bob Geldof will gain the a unique Coalition of Non-State Actors for Global Good!

So we can start scoring quality action, valuable wealth and value of giving.

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