If condolences and commiserations go to all those who have fallen victims of the extreme and destructive weather situations around the globe, condemnation and clarion calls must go to our leaders for failing us in the critical challenges of The Environment.
If we are in the dark about the secret experiments and clandestine tests by various interests and powers, we now see enough evidence and have more than enough reasons to act. Pray, we must now ACT.
The devastation we witness these days is horrendous. So, how can any body in leadership and policy position fail to be moved to act? Incredible!
What kind of business mission or plan profits unconscionably from the destruction of our joint planet and common habitat? Frightening!
Now is the time for citizens to rise to ACTION. It should now be an article of faith in elections: Let's use our VOTES to save the world by putting environment-friendly leaders in office, and removing agents of global warming from power...everywhere!
Pollutants beware!!!
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