At the dizzying rate of about 17 Billion USDollars per month, China has just accummulated one TRILLION Dollars in foreign reserves! Congratulations. What a feat!
Now the challenge. China needs to learn from previous/earlier economic powers. World Peace and World Poverty need the special attention and intervention of economic giants like China and India. They must not be selfish or greedy with their emerging wealth. They must not be stingy.
As the West and Asian Tigers now see, a better world is one in which economic prosperity is of shared benefits, and macroeconomic advances be not jobless growth. Insular riches, in a global village, will not endure! Lessons.
It is entirely appropriate that the US economy is benefiting from these reserves (about 400 Bn US Dollars in Treasury Bills, etc) because it is the bullwark/backbone of the world's economy, and key to Chinese properity. Forget the politics and theatrics, Sino-American bond must be preserved. So must China-EU relations, and Sino-Russian partnership.
The current state visit to India by Chinese President Hu Jintao is a timely and appropriate platform to kick-start their joint interventions in the above regard. I so propose.
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