Monday, May 16, 2011

MENA Region Will Change Our WORLD

After the turmoil be over and the dust settled, the world will be a different and difficult place for bad leaders and their cohorts. Not that all the problems highlighted will or can be solved, but many issues will be resolved - some by just the overthrow of dictators, others by the overhaul of the systems post-despotism. And the casualties will span the globe!

We speak of the revolution going on in the Middle East and North Africa .Call it The Arab Spring or The Arab Awakening or The MENA Movements or The MENA Massacre, something monumental is afoot! Its public face is its private pain, and its political projectiles will pierce many closets and countries in months and years. Oh, there will be socioeconomic conflagrations of varying dimensions, of shapes and colours. The grounds are already shifting!

Will the bloodshed save the adamant leaders from the more adamant masses? Never! Let the blood-bath stop. Where are world leaders?

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