Friday, November 09, 2007

Two Worlds: The GENERALS Head Apart!

And they came: Generals in civil cloaks
singing da song of freedom
waving banners of peace
and vowing democracy...
at last!

And they ruled: Generals in mixed suits
Now in mufti, then in jackboots
raising hope, sealing deals
and baiting da powers...

And they sailed: Generals in golden guild
Courted abroad, loathed at home
creating the craters for free minds
and breeding da herds...
of hate!

And they smiled: Generals in smoke-screens
Fixing ballots, feigning freedom
They give hope-in-straits
and take back da scent...
of vote!

And they railed: Generals in utter rage
Smashing patriots and politicians
banning mullahs and monks
and sinking da grundnorm...
at last!

Now the generals in two lands are heading their different ways. Pakistan heading for chaos...! Myanmar coming from da cold!!


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