Sunday, February 11, 2007

Putin vs Bush - Truth in Friendship?

We should all stay out of the fray in this Putin-Bush window of words. It is not the first, will not be the last. Their truth-in-public dialogue/diatribe goes way back!

Remember when they met in Russia for the G8? Bush called for real democracy in Russia, and Putin retorted that they certainly didn't want the type in Iraq! Poor Iraq!!

They are friends: George Bush looked Vladamir Putin in the eye and saw that the guy has a good soul, during their first-ever face-to-face meeting! And, in truth, they've worked largely along those lines. The guys can and do relate well.

We must encourage them to keep their relationship warm, firm, truthful and for world peace. In this mutuality lies the best national-security assurance for both great countries.

Let's strengthen the bridge, NOT breach it!

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