Sunday, October 22, 2006

Unfolding Bet: The questions of Palestine-Iraq-Palestine-Darfur-Iraq-Palestine-Darfur will consume many a politician, many a diplomat, many a president, in the months and years to come. No question at all. And we note.

Somehow, time and votes will shift the full burden of responsibility and accountability back to where it squarely belongs: on the head and shoulders of world leaders and their hordes of aides. They enjoy the position, perks and power. Why would they not do the job...well and proper? Are we paying them to ruin our world or to restore hope, peace and tranquility to our battered lives and psyche? The clock ticks.

Then we have all their political parties very very busy playing the proverbial ostrich. No matter. Their own days will come....sooner than later. Bet.

On all counts, nature and history, hurt and humming, money and memory plus posterity will take hold and gore the rambling fold. All will and must time, soon-time.

Are we griping, moaning and mourning at once? Hell, we are! Any repercussion for inaction and ineptitude, wasting billions on military illusion instead of global vision on sustainable, equitable development? Squandering youthful lives instead of empowering them? Spilling the precious blood of women and children instead of securing and enriching same? You bet....just watch.

It will be painful but purgatory. And, sadly (because it is so avoidable!), it will be self-inflicted.

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