The whole idea of regional integration is so exciting that no one can fault, or should fault, the ECOWAS Dream. And there is good support for it.
Let's be fair. ECOWAS is working. Especially in the area of advancing stability, peace and security thus promoting and sustaining democracy within this dynamic sub-region of Africa. Kudos to our political leaders.
Let's be truthful. ECOWAS is not flying. Especially in economic advancement and community spirit thus defeating the lofty goals of regional integration. Knock for our political leaders.
Considering the origins and continued yearnings of our combined populations, we should be far ahead in the development game by now. Why aren't we? Aha, gotcha!
Politics. Politicians. Neo-colonialism. Bureaucracy. Corruption. NEPAD. Unhealthy Competition instead of Undiluted Complementarity. Lack of Strategic Connective Infrastructure. Security without Prosperity equals POVERTY. No Full-Time Parliament. Not Learning creatively from... the EU.
The most important? Absence of Citizen-Participation.
Got that? Ask your Government.
Voices and choices will power ideas, anchor forays this millennium. Bonding of Brain & Brawn celebrates of our civilization. None in the Global Village should be left out in this collegiate march. Naturally, I worry for Nigeria and Africa. We will engage the world through deep interrogations...from the known to the renown and the unknown. We will reflect the dynamic challenges and immense possibilities of our world. Here is my personal space in the public place! Welcome.