Saturday, November 24, 2007

MNCs: Bribes-for-Contracts Worldwide

Wilbros (USA) and Siemens (Germany) have been convicted at home for paying huge sums as bribes-for-contracts in Nigeria, among other places. Thanks to the judicial systems of the United States and Germany, we now have another reaffirmation of the corruptive power of Western multinationals.

When the history of bad governance at BOTH country and corporate levels shall be finally done, the world's conscience will be seared and scarred.

It is slush fund sucking blood money, galore!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Democracy on my Mind

As we are now witnessing, democracy is under stress and test around the world. Leaders who came to power through elections are undermining the necessity and inviolability of the vote! Those who came to power promising early and free & fair elections are sitting tight in office! The world is being threatened by actual, pseudo and aspiring dictators. Human rights are now game, fair game, in the onslaught against da people.

We, in Nigeria, just escaped the sit-tight monster by whiskers! Thanks to progressive, patriotic and selfless forces in our Senate.

All parliaments around the world must deny their leaders such ambition. Democracy must be defended and rejuvenated by free and fair elections, in which people cast their votes and in which their votes count! Period.

The UN must speak up on this matter. No diplomatese, please.

Let each nation decide if it needs term limits (which I think is best!) or not. No problem. Once they do, this must be assured and enforced. Life presidencies and dictatorships be no longer fashion or currency. They must end.

Friday, November 09, 2007

Two Worlds: The GENERALS Head Apart!

And they came: Generals in civil cloaks
singing da song of freedom
waving banners of peace
and vowing democracy...
at last!

And they ruled: Generals in mixed suits
Now in mufti, then in jackboots
raising hope, sealing deals
and baiting da powers...

And they sailed: Generals in golden guild
Courted abroad, loathed at home
creating the craters for free minds
and breeding da herds...
of hate!

And they smiled: Generals in smoke-screens
Fixing ballots, feigning freedom
They give hope-in-straits
and take back da scent...
of vote!

And they railed: Generals in utter rage
Smashing patriots and politicians
banning mullahs and monks
and sinking da grundnorm...
at last!

Now the generals in two lands are heading their different ways. Pakistan heading for chaos...! Myanmar coming from da cold!!
